Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Credit & Mortgages for Undocument people

Americans for Legal Immigraton( DOES NOT want
Banks to offer credit cards or mortgage to undocumented U.S. residents. They are fighting banks like Bank of America, Citibank and others working with ACORN
(a housing advocate, to faciliate borrowers getting home loans using their Tax Payer Id. Number(ITIN).

Also Representative John T. Doolittle R-California has introduced a bill in Congress that would prohibit financial institutions from providing home mortgages to anyone who lacks a Social Security number. The bill (H.R. 480) would amend the Truth in
Lending Act to make ITIN mortgage lending illegal.

As a real estate professional this will hurt our industry especially in the current slow market conditions, it will hurt banks,
and of all will hurt consumers who need credit cards, mortgages in order to participate in modern society. Isn't this hurting all of us?

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